Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Where to buy Investors Chronicle?

Update: Success! Camden News - about 2 minutes from my house - stocks Investors Chronicle, along with a bewildering array of other UK and international magazines. Highly recommended if you live in the area.

I've recently developed an interest in spread betting and investing which frankly deserves a blog post all to itself. This particular post, however, is concerned with the magazine Investors Chronicle.

From all of the literature I've read - mainly Malcolm Pryor's good, if not excellent, series of books on spread betting - it seems like Investors Chronicle is a publication worthy of my somewhat limited attention, specifically for the purposes of helping me to identify which shares to buy/bet on. I've popped along to the website of course which looks like a veritable gold mine of financial information to pour over. However, and feel free to call me old fashioned, there is something to be said for reading an actual honest to goodness magazine, and I don't mean one of those new-fangled e-zines either. You know, the feel of the paper as you bestow upon it your soft caress etc. etc.

But mainly I want a hard copy because they haven't got round to installing free WiFi on the Tube yet.

Put aside any criticism of my motivation for wanting to get my hands on a hard copy of Investors Chronicle for one second and let me just roll with it. Since deciding a few days ago that I'd quite like to get a copy, I've come to the conclusion that it's remarkably difficult to track down. The about us section of the website tells me "Investors Chronicle magazine is published every Friday and is available both from the newsstand and via subscription." Sounds easy enough. Problem is, so far I've been to W H Smith in Brent Cross, my university's newsagent and my local newsagent and none of them stock it. W H Smith in Brent Cross is huge - split over two levels for crying out loud! - and my local newsagent has an otherwise excellent selection of magazines so I don't think it's a case of looking in the wrong places.

The more resourceful amongst you may be rushing to point out that I could get a subscription from W H Smith online rather than committing the rather pre-internet revolution mistake of bothering to visit a bricks-and-mortar store or perhaps from the intriguing looking Newsstand website which offers you the chance to specify a subscription of arbitrary length - anything from just one issue to an entire year. Or perhaps even, duh, direct from the Investors Chronicle website itself.

But the problem is I have commitment issues. What if I want to bail after the first date? What if the magazine and I just don't click? I'm just not ready to commit to a whole subscription without first having a sample.

So I've set the scene for my latest mission in life: tracking down a copy of Investors Chronicle. For those of you in similar positions you can take heart that I'm blazing a trail - any stockists I find I'll add to this post. Handy - assuming you happen to live in London.

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